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Sharing Platform

a Roast Profile Sharing Platform
Where you can share your own roast profiles
And see other users profiles.
You can use the shared profiles
as a reference Or Auto-Replicate
the roast directly from your machine.

Personal Information Protection Policy

1. Collected Items of Personal Information

(1) Personal information collected by the Company when signing up to use Stronghold Square Service is as follows:
1) Required entry: minimal information required by the Company as required entries for receipt the application of demonstration or consultation.
- ID(e-mail), password, name, mobile number, profile picture, nickname
(2) Optional entry: items collected by the Company to provide users with individual customized service; collected with individual consent of users. There is no limitation of use of the web site even if the optional entry is not input.
- Address, type of business, etc.
(3) Product registration: Information which occurs while using of product after registration of product in possession to use Stronghold Square.
- Product information: product model, product S/N, system error information
- Profile information: general data which occur while roasting such as preheat temperature information, information which occurs while roasting per second(temperature, calories, etc.), crack information, discharge temperature, roasting time.
(4) It may be automatically created and collected IP addresses, cookies, visit day, record of service use, device ID, name of device model, OS name, OS version, app version while using Stronghold Square.

2. Method of Collection of Personal Information

The Company has prepared a procedure that users may click the button of “I agree” or “I do not agree” to the terms of use and privacy policy when they want to sign up via website.
If a user indicated his/her intention of consent by clicking the button above, it shall be deemed that it is agreed to collect his/her personal information.

3. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

(1) The personal information provided by users to the Company will be used for the purposes as follows:
1) Required entry: securing of channel for smooth communication, etc. such as identification procedure pursuant to the use of service, delivery of notification matters, complaint handling, etc. However, in using new service and product, notification of event information, premium delivery, etc., required personal information items will be used only in case that the user agreed individually to receive such matters.
(2) Optional entry: provision of other services regarding product, etc.
(3) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the Company may use the personal information of users only in case of provision with a processed form in which a specific individual may not be distinguished if necessary for statistic preparation, academic research or market research.

4. Period of Retention and Use of Personal Information

The Company destroys such information without delay after the achievement of “3. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information.” However, if necessary to preserve such information under regulation of relevant laws, the information of users will be preserved for the period set in relevant laws as below.
- Record of Agreement or Subscription Withdrawal, etc.
Reason for Preservation: Act on Customer Protection in E-Commerce
Preservation Period: 5 years
- Record of Payment and Supply of Goods, etc.
Reason for Preservation: Act on Customer Protection in E-Commerce
Preservation Period: 5 years
- Record of Electronic Financial Transaction
Reason for Preservation: Electronic Financial Transaction Act
Preservation Period: 5 years
- Record of Dealing with Customer Complaint or Dispute, etc.
Reason for Preservation: Act on Customer Protection in E-Commerce
Preservation Period: 3 years
- Record of Website Visit
Reason for Preservation: Protection of Communications Secrets Act
Preservation Period: 3 years

5. Period of Retention and Use of Personal Information

In principle, the Company destroys such information without delay after the achievement of the purpose of collection and use of personal information as Article 4 of above. The concrete destruction procedure and method are as follows:
(1) Destruction Procedure
- Information which the user has input for subscription, etc. will be transferred to a separate DB (in case of paper, to separate filing cabinet) to be preserved for a period according to the reason for information protection under inside policy and other relevant law(please refer to Period of Retention and Use) and will be finally destroyed.
Personal information transferred to a separate DB will not be used for other purposes other than for retention unless by law.
(2) Method of Destruction
- Personal information printed on paper will be shredded by paper shredder or destroyed through incineration.
- Personal information saved in the form of electronic file will be deleted by using a technical method that the record cannot be reproduced.

6. Information about Provision of Personal Information to Third Party

In principle, the Company does not provide personal information to third party without consent of the user.
However, if the user uses various services such as the product purchase made in the Company, product delivery, after-sales service by visit, or participate to user research and event, a separate procedure in regard of provision of personal information to service agency or host will be taken.

7. Technical Measures for Protection of Personal Information

To prevent loss, robbery, leak, falsification or damage of personal information in treating users’ personal information, the Company considers technical countermeasures for safety as follows:
1) Encryption of personal information
- Users’ personal information is secured by passwords, and important data are secured by separate security function by encrypting data of file and transmission or by using file locking function(Lock).
2) Technical measures against hacking, etc.
- The Company does its best for security by using firewall system and vulnerability analysis system for each servers against external intrusions such as hacking, etc.
3) Minimization of staffs treating personal information and its training
The Company minimizes staffs with access to users’ personal information. Such minimized staffs are as follows:
- Person who performs its duty of marketing by dealing with users directly
- Person in charge of personal information management and person who performs its duty of personal information management such as person in charge
- Other persons to whom it is inevitable to treat personal information
4) The Company shall not have any liability for problems caused by leak of personal information such as ID, password, etc. because of the negligence of the user himself/herself, problems of Internet services, and other equivalent forces majeures.

8. Matters regarding Installation, Management and Rejection of Automatic Collection Device of Personal Information

The Company manages cookies which save and find frequently users' information. Cookies mean a very small text file which the server used for the Company to manage its website sends to your browser, and it will be saved in your computer's hard disk.
The Company uses cookies for the purposes as below.
1) They are used to analyze frequency and visit time of members and non-members and to be utilized as a barometer of target marketing and service reorganization by understanding of users' preference and interest.
2) They are used to provide individual customized service at the moment of next visit by following the trace regarding contents for which the user browsed with interest.
3) They are used as data to grant differentiated entry opportunity by understanding your participation degree and visiting time in various events hosted by the Company and to provide differentiated information according to individual interest.
Users have option of installation of cookies. Therefore, they may permit whole cookies, go through authentication every time the cookies are saved, or deny the store of all cookies by setting option on their web browsers.

9. Denial of E-mail Collection Without Leave

The Company denies the collection of the posted e-mail address without leave by using e-mail collection program or other technical devices. In case of breach hereof, you may be punished under the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communication Network Use and Protection of Information.

10. Users' Right and Duty

(1) The Company considers users' posts valuable and does its best to protect them not to be falsified, damaged or deleted. Detailed matters about this are in accordance with the Board Use Policy on the terms of use.
(2) To protect personal information of children under the age of 14 years, the Company does not collect the personal information of children by permitting persons only 14 and older to sign up.

11. Person in Charge of Personal Information Management

Users may file every complaint which occurs while using the Company's service regarding personal information protection to the person in charge of personal information management or concerning department.
Person in Charge of Personal Information Management
- Department: IT Head Office
- Position: Director of Head Office
- Name: Myeong Sik Kim
- Contact: 070-7844-2480
- E-mail :
Personal Information Manager
- Department: IT Head Office
- Position: Director of Head Office
- Name: Myeong Sik Kim
- Contact: 070-7844-24800
- E-mail :

12. Consultation and Report regarding Personal Information Violation

The Company operates a customer service center for smooth communication with users. The contact of the customer service center is as below:
Customer Service Center
- E-mail:
- Tel.: 1600-3263 (Telephone consultation other than after-sales service reception and purchase inquiry is possible only from 9am to 6pm on working days.)
- Fax: 02-2188-7530
- Address: 1157, Beoman-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
If you need a complaint consultation about personal information violation, please contact Personal Information Violation Report Center in Korea Information Security Agency(KISA) which is a public institution under the Ministry of Information and Communication.
Personal Information Violation Report Center
- Tel.: 1336
- Website:

13. Duty of Notification when Privacy Policy has been Changed

The contents of Privacy Policy may be changed pursuant to the change of law, policy, internal management policy of the Company, or security technology, and in this case the changed Privacy Policy will be announced with reason for change and changed contents on the first page of the Company's website at least 7 days prior to its implementation.

Date of Announcement: April 10, 2019

Date of Implementation: April 10, 2019

Terms of Use

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these Terms of Use(hereafter referred to as the “Terms”) is to specify all the conditions for subscription and use of Stronghold Square Service(, which is a website provided by the Company(the website above hereafter referred to as the “Website”, the service of the website above hereafter referred to as the “Service”), and other necessary matters between Stronghold Robotics Co., Ltd.(hereafter referred to as the “Company”) and the users.

Article 2 (Effect and Change of Terms of Use)

1. These Terms shall take effect by announcing to entire user, including clients subscribed to this Company, who wishes to use the Service on Stronghold Square and the Company or by announcing with other methods to the clients.
2. The Company may change the Terms if necessary, and if the Terms are changed, this shall be announced with the method of Article 2, Paragraph 1

Article 3 (Rules other than the Terms)

In regard to use of the Service, these Terms shall be applied, and the matters not specified herein are in accordance with the regulations of Telecommunication Framework Act, Telecommunications Business Act, Act on the Promotion of Information and Communication Network Use and Protection of Information and other relevant laws.

Article 4 (Explanation of Term)

1. The definition of term used in these Terms is as follows:
(1) ‘Users’ are collectively called persons who use the Service provided by Stronghold Square pursuant to these Terms by accessing to Stronghold Square.
(2) ‘Members’ mean persons who concluded membership agreement by providing personal information and may use services open to members only(hereafter referred to as the “Membership Service”) among the ‘Users.’
2. The definition of term used in these Terms is in accordance with the regulation of relevant laws and guidance by services other than what Paragraph 1 prescribes.

Article 5 (Formation of the Membership Agreement)

1. Membership Agreement shall come into existence by application for membership of user himself/herself(including the consent in regard to the contents of these Terms of Use) if there is no violation of these Terms.
2. The users shall indicate their intention of consent in regard to these Terms of Use by clicking the button ‘I agree’ in Stronghold Square when they sign up.

Article 6 (Application for Use of the Membership Service)

1. Users who wish to use the Membership Service may use it after signing up as members by providing information requested by the Company(ID, name, password, contact, profile picture, etc.)
2. The Company may differentiate the use of Membership Service toward the Members who provided information of product registration and other optional information.
3. In case that there is falsity, omission or misspelling in the provided information under Paragraph 1, the Company may restrict the use of the Service of such member.
4. A user who applied for use by using name or product of another person illegally may be prohibited from the access in the manner of elimination of ID, etc. without prior notice, and may be punished under relevant laws.

Article 7 (Protection and Use of Personal Information)

The Company implements Personal Information Protection Policy to protect personal information of the user of the Service in accordance with the relevant laws.
Relevant laws and the Personal Information Protection Policy of the Company shall be applied regarding protection and use of personal information of the users.
However, the Company shall not be liable for information exposed by reasons attributable to the user.

Article 8 (Application for Use and Restriction)

1. Users may use the Membership Service if there is no encumbrance in duty performance of the Company or in technology toward the application for membership under the provision of Article 6.
2. The Company shall restrict the use in one of the following cases:
(1) If the name is not real or if the application is made by using the name of another person illegally
(2) If the application is made by stealing information of product of another person
(3) If the application is made by attaching false document or by filling false contents
(4) If the user is registered as a credit delinquent of PC communication and Internet service in accordance with the Use and Protection of Credit Information Act
(5) If the application is made to disturb social tranquility, good order or morals
(6) If the user is registered as a bad user of PC communication and Internet service in Korea Internet Safety Commission, and
(7) If other requirements for application for use set by the Company are not met
3. The Company may restrict the use of Membership Service toward the application for membership of users in one of the following cases, until the reason for such case is removed:
(1) If the Company has no sufficient equipment, by reasonable
(2) If the Company has technical encumbrance, and
(3) If the Company cannot approve the use by other reasons attributable to the Company
(4) The Company may restrict the approval pursuant to separate regulations if the applicant for membership is a minor.
4. In the event that the Company restricts the application for membership of the user pursuant to Paragraph 2 and 3, it shall be notified to such user.

Article 9 (Right and Duty of the Company)

1. If the opinion or complaint filed by the Member is deemed reasonable, the Company shall deal with such opinion or complaint. However, in case that such opinion and complaint are difficult to be dealt with, the Company shall notify the Member of the reason why it is difficult to be dealt with and if it can be dealt with or such schedule with method of writing, e-mail, telephone or other methods, etc. within 2 weeks from the date of reception.
2. The Company shall be liable to protect the personal information of users pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Policy set by the Company. However, this may not apply if it is under due process pursuant to the regulations of law.
3. In the event that the Company wishes to use personal information of a member or to provide it to a third party beyond the extent notified or indicated in advance, the Company shall receive prior individual consent of such member.
4. To provide continuous and stable service, in case of trouble or destruction of equipment, the Company shall endeavor to repair or restore this. However, in case of natural disaster, emergency state or if it is otherwise absolutely necessary, such service may be temporarily or permanently interrupted.
5. The Company may prepare and use statistic data regarding personal information of parts or the entire of members in regard to its business under prior consent of the Member, and may transmit cookies to the computer of the Members through its Service. In this case, the Member may deny the reception of cookies or may change the setting of the browser of device used to warn about the reception of cookies, and the change of use of the Service caused by the change of settings of cookies is the responsibility of the Members.

Article 10 (Right and Duty of the Members)

1. The Members shall not do the following acts:
(1) Using ID and password of other members
(2) Using the information acquired while using the Service in reproduction, performance, broadcasting, exhibit, distribution, publication, etc. through duplication, process, translation, derivative work other than personal use of the Member, or providing it to a third party
(3) Injuring or penalizing another's reputation
(4) Violating other rights such as copyright of the Company or a third party
(5) Spreading information, sentences, figures, voices, etc. that may disturb social order and morals to others
(6) Acts which are objectively recognized as implicated in crime
(7) Registering or spreading data infected with computer virus which causes malfunction of equipment regarding the Service, destruction of information, etc., and disturbance
(8) Transmitting information which may disturb stable operation of the Service or advertising information against intention of recipient
(9) Acts which receive correction request from institutes with public confidence such as Korea Internet Safety Commission, consumer advocacy groups, etc.
(10) Violating election law that receive request of cease, warning or correction from National Election Commission
(11) Acts which may cause problems according to social norms, and
(12) Other acts which violate relevant laws and the Terms
2. The Members shall observe the matters specified herein, and guidance for use of service or precautions, and shall observe matters announced or separately posted by the Company.
3. The Members may not do business activities by using the Service without prior express consent of the Company, and the Company is not liable for the result caused by the breach hereof.
4. The Members shall be liable for compensation for damages in case that the Company suffers damages due to such business activities of Paragraph 3.
5. The Members may not transfer or give their position as the party of such Membership Agreement of Article 5, Paragraph 1 to others, and may not provide this as security.
6. The Members may not divert the parts or the entire of contents and functions of the Service without prior consent of the Company.
7. The Company shall take measure in due course after checking identification when the client visits or demands to read or modify his/her personal information by using electronic signature or ID.
8. The Company may demand to show the evidence that demonstrates agent relation if the agent of the client visits to demand to read or modify.
9. The Company shall endeavor to gather opinions of the clients and to prepare procedures to deal with complaints regarding personal information.

Article 11 (Hours of Use of the Service)

1. In principle, the use of the Service is open all year around, operated 24 hours per day if there is no particular encumbrance in business or technology. However, the Company may interrupt the Service on the day or hour designated by the Company to regular inspection, extension and replacement of system and service interruption due to the expected operation shall be announced in advance through website.
2. Hours of use of some services which need essentially manpower response may be restricted.
3. The prior announcement is impossible in case of service interruption due to the reason not controllable by the Company(Disk trouble, system down without intention or negligence of system operator, etc.) and the Company does not announce in case of system down due to the intention or negligence of others(PC communication company, key telecommunications business operator, etc.)

Article 12 (ID Management)

1. The Members shall be liable for all management regarding ID and password.
2. In the event that such ID has been leaked or used illegally, the Member shall notify the Company of that.

Article 13 (Management of Posts)

1. The Company may delete, move or deny to register without prior notice the following posts or data:
(1) If the contents insult seriously another member or a third party or injure their reputation
(2) If the contents which violate public order and morals are spread or linked
(3) If the contents encourage illegal copy or hacking
(4) If the contents are commercial advertisements
(5) If the contents are objectively recognized as implicated in crime
(6) If the contents violates other rights such as copyright of another user or a third party
(7) If the contents are contrary to the principle of board stipulated by the Company or do not correspond to the character of board, and
(8) If it is otherwise deemed that the contents violate relevant laws and the Terms
2. Notwithstanding the Paragraph 1, in the event that it is deemed that the contents within the Service and the posted contents which the Members post or register correspond to one of the cases of Article 13, the Company may delete, move or deny to register them after notifying such reason in advance.

Article 14 (Copyright of Posts)

1. Users may select if they use data created through the product(profile, etc.) with Stronghold Square, and if they use, in principle, the intellectual property and all ownership of the users shall be transferred gratuitously to the Company.
2. The Members may not use data published in the Service commercially, such as arbitrary process and sale of information acquired while using the Service.

Article 15 (Modification or Termination of the Agreement)

When a member wishes to terminate the Membership Agreement, the member himself/herself shall terminate the subscription by using “membership withdrawal” menu in Stronghold Square. (Currently it does not exist)

Article 16 (Restriction of Use of the Service)

1. The company may restrict the use of the Service if a member violates the contents of Article 10 of these Terms regarding the use of the Service, or in one of the following cases:
(1) If the Member uses vulgar ID and nickname that disturbs public morals
(2) If the Member insults seriously or disturbs use of the Service of another user
(3) If the Member uploads commercial software or crack file
(4) If the Member reproduces illegally a text with copyright or uploads a MP3 file
(5) If the Member publishes pornography which violates Article 7 of the Deliberation Rules of Korea Internet Safety Commission
(6) If the Member spreads a computer virus program, etc. which causes malfunction of information and communication equipment or destruction of information, etc.
(7) If there is a correction request from relevant public institute such as Korea Internet Safety Commission, etc., and
(8) If there is other disturbance of normal service operation
2. To the members who use restricted service pursuant to Paragraph 1, the suspension or cease of use of the Service, termination of the Membership Agreement may be made without separate announcement in accordance with the Handling Rules of Bad Users.

Article 17 (Range and Claim of Compensation for Damages)

1. The Company does not compensate for any damages in the event that such damages which the Member suffered from the Service are beyond control, such as natural disaster, or have occurred due to the intention or negligence of the Member.
2. If the Company is sued for damages, etc. from a third party other than the Member due to the illegal act that such Member conducted while using the Service, such Member shall endeavor for the Company’s exemption, and in the event that the Company is not exempted, such Member shall compensate for all damages occurred to the Company due to that.

Article 18 (Disclaimers)

1. The Company shall be exempted from the liability of provision of the Service in case that it is impossible to provide the Service because of natural disaster, war, or other equivalent force majeure.
2. The Company shall be exempted from the liability in case that the damages occurred because the key telecommunications business operator interrupts or does not normally provide telecommunication service.
3. The Company shall be exempted from the liability for any damages caused by unavoidable reasons such as repair, replacement, regular inspection, construction, etc. of equipment for the Service.
4. The Company shall not be liable for any trouble or damage of use of the Service because of reasons attributable to the Member.
5. The Company shall not be liable if the damage occurred due to an error of the computer of the user, misspelling or false entries of personal information and e-mail address of the Member, and other reasons attributable to the user.
6. The Company shall not be liable for any contents published by Members in the Service such as various information, data, reliability of fact, accuracy, etc.
7. In the event that a transaction of goods (including intangible goods) has been made through the Service between members each other or between a member and a third party mutually, the Company shall not be liable for any damages occurred from that.
8. The Company shall be exempted from any damages in regard to use of services provided to the Members.

Article 19 (Jurisdiction and Dispute Conciliation)

1. The governing law of these Terms shall be the laws of Korea, and matters not specified shall be subject to relevant laws such as Telecommunications Business Act and business practice.
2. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with the use of the Service shall be submitted to the Seoul Central District Court, competent court of Seoul, Republic of Korea. However, it may be settled with mutual consent of both parties by arbitration of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

The governing law of these Terms shall be the laws of Republic of Korea, and such Terms shall be implemented from April 10, 2019.

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